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Orton-Gillingham Based Programs

Winsor Learning provides Orton-Gillingham based Sonday System® programs and training. Educational experts at industry-leading organizations, such as the National Center for Learning Disabilities and the International Dyslexia Association, have evaluated the Sonday System and determined that the program contains the required elements for teaching reading identified by the National Reading Panel. Winsor Learning believes in giving children their best chance to succeed in school. We've partnered with one of the country's foremost experts in the Orton-Gillingham multisensory method for reading intervention to create the Sonday System: a simple, cost-effective tool for K-12 educators to identify and quickly intervene with struggling readers.

Anyone—No Really, Anyone—Can Do It

Today, more than 40,000 educators in schools around the country are using the Sonday System to help students get caught up to their peers. At many of our sites, educators who have little background in teaching reading have been able to improve student scores.

Parents, para-educators, art teachers, shop teachers, athletic coaches, and even teenage tutors have successfully used our program to help students. When a student is falling behind in reading, time matters.

We created the Sonday System with Orton-Gillingham expert Arlene Sonday to create a powerful tool that preserves the widely studied and proven Orton-Gillingham method while improving its usability and accessibility. The Sonday System is the only tool that gives anyonefrom experienced reading educators to volunteer tutorsthe opportunity to identify, intervene, and help struggling students catch up to their peers using effective multisensory instruction.

40 Years of Fieldwork in Orton-Gillingham

Our author, Arlene Sonday, was one of the first Orton-Gillingham fellows and the first president of the Orton-Gillingham Academy of Practitioners and Educators. In 2009, the International Dyslexia Association presented Arlene with the Margaret Byrd Lifetime Achievement Award. For over 40 years, she worked in schools and homes and has helped thousands of students improve their reading, writing, and spelling using Orton-Gillingham methods.

Her years of fieldwork informed how she designed the Sonday System. She knew what worked. She used all that experience to design a program that is easy to use for anyone willing to tutor a student. After six decades of work, she still trains educators and answers their questions today.

Structured Literacy

Learn how the Sonday System helps educators teach structured literacy that is systematic, cumulative, explicit, diagnostic, sequential, and multisensory.

Learn How the Sonday System is Structured Literacy


A Bit of History

Since 1997, we have helped more than 3,000 school districts improve reading scores by providing Orton-Gillingham based multisensory tools and training to educators working with struggling students.

Get More Information on Integrating the Sonday System in Your School

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